“We realized we both share the same ambition: finding a meaningful life, helping others, and positively contributing to this planet”

We are a Colombian and a Nepalese who have been working for many years in the aviation industry in Europe (Germany and France). Our paths crossed in USA during our graduate studies and after countless deeper conversations about life’s real purpose, we realized we both share the same ambition: finding a meaningful life, helping others, and positively contributing to this planet.

We decided to create this experience because we are also in the search for purpose. We are convinced that the best way to do this is by sharing this holistic program and endorsing people around the world. A Meaningful Life will give its participants the necessary tools to re-discover their own personal focus and will lead them to achieve balance, discover their better selves, and motivate them to live a better life.

We are delighted to welcome you on this personal endeavor and we really hope you enjoy your experience in such diverse and wonderful locations. All the best and our warmest regards,

Abhinav & Jorge-
